Is it really just another day?

I get a little tired of all the new year's related posts that surface on January 1st...nevertheless, here I am writing one of my own. Is this really just another day, or is it truly an opportunity to reflect and remark about the past year? I suppose it's a little of both, so I'll jump on the bandwagon and make a few comments about the past year and what I'm looking forward to for the next.

This past year was REMARKABLY superior to 2013. For me, 2013 was full of dark, incomparable heartbreak, and in all honesty--it was the worst year of my entire life (with the huge, HUGE, exception of my darling nephew being born). Thankfully, 2014 brought with it--a fresh outlook on life, a somewhat solid yoga practice, an increasingly reliable group of friends and a real sense of community in LA, a relationship with Forrest that means the world to me, a new chapter in my relationship with Shane, plentiful travel opportunities and consistent quality time with my family (most notably, my grandad).

Undoubtedly the worst thing that happened this year was the passing of my best friend's boyfriend. My heart broke (and continues to break) for her. She's one of the strongest and most positive people I know and she's really coping with this unimaginable pain in a truly inspiring manner. I love you, Sofia.

Without question, the thing I'm most nervous about in this coming year will be the absence of my best friend Sarah. She's moving to South Korea in a week and I have a pit in my stomach that just won't disappear. She's going to be gone for a full year and I'm not sure what that will look like for her, or for me, but I do know that I am going to miss her a helluvalot. We did this thing called "Love Letters" when I went to study abroad in Europe and it actually was one of the most heartwarming and familiar things on that trip. I loved getting somewhere that had wifi and seeing a really long, thoughtful letter in my inbox, to which I would respond and reflect on for the next few hours. She really helped create a sense of home when I was sick for it. Maybe I can do the same for her. I'm planning on visiting her in Japan at some point while she's there, but I have a feeling that one trip might not be enough...only time will tell ;)

I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens with Shane--will we start thinking about living together? Where would that be? When will it happen? So much to consider! It doesn't matter that we've been together for 4 and a half years, I just feel like I'm increasingly becoming ready to make our lives more cohesive. I don't exactly think I'm one hundred percent ready to move in with him at this very moment, but that's mostly due to the fact that I love living with Katie and I really don't want that to end. It would be the end of an era!

Now let's get to the typical NY resolutiony stuff. Instead of setting hard and fast goals or rules, I'm simply going to state what I want less of and what I could use a little more of in this next year.

What I want less of:
Watching TV
Excessive drinking
Unnecessary clutter
Over-committing to things
French Fries

What I want more of:
Reading books
Time with Forrest and Grandad
One-on-one time with my mom
One-on-one time with my dad
Practicing yoga
Traveling to new places
Alone time
French Fries

Happiest New Year to all and to all a good afternoon! xoxo


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