Micro Hangovers

A little #witanddelightfortarget for the weekend! Love these cork coasters used as a trivet. (Pairs well with a @tomdixonstudio tea pot, too!)

Hello, semi-faithful blog readers. I was posting pretty consistently for a while there, then I just fell off the grid. Where did I go? Honestly, I don't know. But I'm back and feeling like I'm gonna be spending a little more quality time here again. I've got that writing and reflecting bug. I hear it's going around...

I like hangovers. I know, I know, I know...you probably think I'm insane, but let me explain. I don't like those gnarly hangovers (the pukey, headachey, wobbly, I-think-I'm-still-drunk kind of hangovers), but I like the mellow ones. The ones where you feel just icky enough to not want to drink again for a while. I like these baby hangovers because they serve as a reminder and act as an incentive to re-evaluate some of my not-so-great habits. For instance, feeling slight shitty today made me think about my general health. It's sufficient, but I could be taking WAY better care of myself. Then I was like, okay, I haven't been to the doctor in god knows how long. So I made an appointment for a physical at the end of the month. Next up was a dental appointment. Same day as the doctor--check! I scheduled a massage for tonight, I'm going to get a manicure and pedicure after work and I'll start organizing my bedroom to prepare for some minor rearranging that I've been thinking about. Now you see, I have been meaning to do all these things for a few weeks now, but it wasn't until I had this micro-hangover that I actually got around to doing anything about it! Thanks, beer!

Until next time xoxo

Image via wit and delight.


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