Cleanse Day Three

Overall thought this morning: Juicing is easy--but super boring!

I didn't want to get out of bed this morning; not because I was really tired, but because it was so warm in the covers. There was an obnoxious gardener out there mowing god knows what lawn, and I wanted to give him a piece of my mind! I just plugged my ears instead.

My skin is noticeably brighter, smoother and I feel comfortable going to work without makeup. Crazy! I put makeup on anyway, and I really do feel radiant. This all might be placebo effect, or the benefits of me not drinking alcohol or staying out late; whirring around like a spinning top. The time alone has been necessary and I am very proud of myself for sticking to my commitment. One day more!

There are a few juices that are a part of my cleanse called the Cleaners. They are made in various combinations of pineapple, apple, mint, coconut and water and they are delightful. Best drinks of the whole mix! I get a little too excited to drink them.

11:00 am: For the first time since Wednesday morning, my stomach growled. Uh oh.

4:30 pm: Haven't thought about the juicing too much today. Seems easier than I could have imagined.

I never wound up finishing this post, which I am ashamed to admit. I was having a great time updating this little thing, but of course I couldn't stay focused long enough to actually finish it. I went to yoga that evening, which was fantastic, and then went to Lynne's house to watch a movie with my closest girlfriends. I felt quieter than normal, and not as energetic. Maybe it was just because I was in such a zen, hibernating mode for the previous two days? Anyway, I had a delicious bite of spinach artichoke dip at midnight and thus started a downward spiral into food and drink over the weekend that has left me feeling unshowered, tired, and a general mess.

What have we learned? I need to find a perfect balance between juicing and my poor eating and drinking habits.


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