Welcome to my mind

I haven't written stream of consicous-style in so long. I wonder what will come of it. I remember when I was in college I was told to just keep writing. I was even told to just keep typing no matter the typos I was making. I am not necessarily doing that but I am continuously writing. She even told us to keep writing even if all we were writing about was the fact that we are writing. It seems like a silly practice but I actually think it helps. It helps dust the cobwebs that stick on our mind and clogs up our fingers; or more like, helps us shake away the self-consciousness that plagues our creativity. That was like almost a half-way decent sentence. I am sitting here today at work and it is a lovely grey day. I am listening to Van Morisson's Moondance and he just said "neath the cover of October skies" which reminds me of exactly this moment. Even though it's July. I wish it were October. I am going to get started on my Halloween costume pretty soon. Working with Lynne to make the most legit Sally costume. My writing started to get stupid just then because I got self-conscious thinking that my boss was looking at me and thinking "why is she typing so fast and what could she possibly be working on?" Well it's summer at the gallery and it's a little boring. I am not going to lie to you. I don't know how it could be more fun though. I'm trying to think of different ways to make it more exciting but every time I do start to think about it I end up drifting into other ideas. I started looking up French courses I could take at Santa Monica City College or online. I don't know. I just always feel like I have a lot of unused brain power potential and I would like to utilize it more. I liked what my friend Denisse told me last night about always taking note of the Sabbath, or rather always practicing it; taking a day for yourself, locking yourself away from everyone's expectations and the routine of our day to day lives. I live pretty fast. I am always moving around and doing stuff and being somewhere or feeling like I need to be somewhere. I don't. I could just stay home and relax and chill out and not worry about what other people are doing. That's what I could do. Okay taking a short break for coffee. Now I kind of want to try some alliteration. The water withered well when I went with Wanda to Wimbeldon. Caleb cradled cups carefully. An alien ate apples and attracted atheists. C alliteration ftw. These kinds of slow days are really good to take stock of what needs organizing. I am going to hustle my bustle and organize my spotify account. It's gonna be gloriously sick when I'm finished with it.


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