Real life

I know I said I would write a post about an artist a day. I have one that's nearly finished, but life got in the way. And by life I mean these enormous swollen welts on my face. Seriously. Look at this:

I've been struggling with these welt like bug bites/allergic reactions for far too long now. But usually they are on my bra line or arms and legs. Today was the first day they appeared on my face. I was so bothered by it that I had to leave work and go to the doctor. I had a terrible one on my arm on Sunday and so he performed a punch box biopsy, which is kind of like a deep cookie cutter extraction that required stitches. He chose to do it in my arm so he wouldn't have to stitch my face up. How kind. I felt so woozy after the procedure. Seeing all the needles and feeling him tugging the stitches was a little too much for me. 

In any case, I really had intended to post about Allison Schulnik today. I'll finish it up by tomorrow and start the art writing then. Right now I'm going to enjoy this beer and watch my guy play the drums and try to forget about the pain in my arm and the goose egg on my head. 

There's really Goose Island IPA in this glass. Goose Island for the Goose Egghead. 


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