Lola Kirke | EP

Right now I am listening to Lola Kirke's eponymous EP, which was recently released. The first song, Baby Butt, is super catchy--I seriously can't stop humming it. Her whole vibe reminds me of Jenny Lewis meets Neko Case, though it's sweeter and bit more demure. Her voice is breathy and the lyrics are heartfelt--in short, it's totally cute; I love it. This is perfect summertime driving music (even though it's the coldest February I can remember and I am currently under five blankets suffering a weeklong cold). There's definitely a 1970s-California/Southwest thing going on here, too. Her voice is rich, but delicate; haunting, with a folky stylization. I remember reading an article where she quoted someone saying, "I feel like I have at least 5 folk songs in me," which resonated with her deeply. Of course, now I can't get that out of my head. I wonder what 5 folk songs are lingering within me? 

Here's a little video for Tomorrow Morning, which is also on the EP.

Have a listen for yourself for free on Spotfiy or support the artist by buying the EP via Bandcamp
Photo via Bandcamp.


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